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Conditions of "Cancellation insurance"

1.1 Object
To whom subscribed and paid the "Travel cancellation guarantee" Algilà refunds, within the limit of € 1,250.00 per booking, the rate paid at the time of booking or the cancellation fee, applied contractually by Algilà, as a result of impossibility to travel due to:
a) sudden severe illness (or unpredictable relapse) certified by a doctor
b) pregnancy pathologies, if established after booking;
c) intolerance to vaccinations;
d) accident or death, which occurred after the booking, of the insured or a family member or a non-family member indicated in the policy (travel companion);
e) material damage to housing due to adverse weather conditions or theft, which require the presence of the insured;
f) dismissal or suspension from work (layoff, mobility) of the Insured.
Algilà shall reimburse the prepaid rate or penalty:
• to the Customer holding the reservation;
• to all his family members
• to a travel companion (only on condition that the customer who is the holder of the reservation - following the cancellation - should travel alone) provided they are registered on the same reservation.
It should be noted that must be intended as adverse weather conditions the phenomena of nature that do not have the catastrophic consequences characteristic of the phenomena expressly provided for in art. 3 Exclusions - par. g).

1.2 Effective date and operation
The guarantees run from the date of booking or documented confirmation of the services and are operational until the first service is provided.

1.3 Exclusions (in addition to the Exclusions referred to in Article
Algilà does not reimburse the penalty for cancellations determined by:
a) accidents and pre-existing illnesses of an evolutive nature and their complications or if, at the time of booking, conditions or events already exist that could cause the cancellation, provided that the ability to travel has not been certified by a doctor;
b) diseases of pregnancy initiated and known prior to booking;
c) professional reasons, except as provided for in the previous art. 1.1 / f

1.4 Settlement and deductible.
Algilà will refund the price paid in advance for the stay at one of its hotels or the cancellation penalty:
a) with a ceiling of € 1,250.00 per booking
b) in the percentage existing at the date on which the event occurred (Article 1914 of the Italian Civil Law). Therefore, in the event that the Insured cancels the trip after the event, any major penalty will not be refunded;
c) reserving the right to reduce the indemnity of an amount equal to the recoveries obtained by the Insured himself with other travel insurance.
d) with the deductible of € 25.00 per event: said deductible will not be applied in case of cancellation due to death or hospitalization.
In the event of illness or injury, the doctors of Algilà are entitled to carry out a medical check.

1.5 Validity
1.5.1 The guarantee is valid only if it has been purchased at the same time as the reservation.
1.5.2 The guarantee is effective for a single claim regardless of the outcome, upon the occurrence of which it ceases.

The Customer or whoever for him/her must give written notice to Algilà within 5 days from the moment in which the event occurred and in any case before the scheduled date of the beginning of the stay, providing:
a) Algilà reservation number;
b) personal data and address;
c) documentation objectively proving the cause of the impossibility to travel, in original; if of medical nature the certificate must state the pathology and the address where the sick or injured person is available;
and also later:
d) documentation certifying the link between the Customer and any other person who has determined the renunciation.
For security reasons, the refund will be made exclusively on the payment method used for the booking.

Any indemnity, performance, consequence and / or event deriving directly or indirectly from:
a) damage caused by, occurred through or as a consequence of wars, accidents due to war devices, invasions, actions of foreign enemies, hostility (whether in case of war declared or not), civil war, situations of armed conflict, rebellions, revolutions, insurrections, mutiny, martial law, military or usurped power or attempt to usurp power;
b) strikes, riots, popular riots;
c) curfew, border blockade, embargo, reprisals, sabotage;
d) confiscation, nationalization, seizure, restrictive provisions, imprisonment, appropriation, requisition for own title or use by or on the orders of any Government (whether civil, military or "de facto") or other national or local authority;
e) acts of terrorism, meaning by act of terrorism any act that includes but is not limited to the use of force or violence and / or threat by any person or group (s) of persons acting alone or behind or in connection with any organizer or government committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and / or alarm the public opinion and / or in the community or in part of it;
f) journey undertaken to a territory where it is operative a prohibition or a limitation (even temporary) issued by a competent public Authority, extreme trips to remote areas, only reachable through the use of special rescue vehicles;
g) tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, floods and other disruptions of nature;
h) nuclear explosions and, even partially, ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination developed from nuclear fuels or nuclear waste or nuclear weapons, or deriving from phenomena of transmutation of the nucleus of the atom or from radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other dangerous characteristics of nuclear equipment or its components;
i) materials, substances, biological and / or chemical compounds, used for the purpose of damaging human life or spreading panic;
j) pollution of any kind, infiltrations, contamination of air, water, soil, subsoil, or any environmental damage;
k) bankruptcy of Algilà srl or any supplier;
l) intentional violations or gross negligence of the insured or of persons to whom he / she must answer;
m) illegal acts committed by the Insured or violation of the rules or prohibitions of any government;
n) errors or omissions in the booking phase or inability to obtain a visa or passport;
o) abuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs, non-therapeutic use of drugs or hallucinogens;
p) mental illness, schizophrenia, manic-depressive forms, psychosis, major depression in the acute phase;
q) suicide or suicide attempt;
r) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and sexually transmitted diseases;
s) driving of vehicles for which a driving license of a category higher than B is required and of motor boats for non-private use;
t) pandemic epidemics (declared by the WHO), of such severity and virulence as to entail high mortality or to require restrictive measures in order to reduce the risk of transmission to the civilian population. By way of example and not limited to: closing schools and public areas, restricting public transport in the city, limiting air transport;
u) quarantine.

All customer communications must be made in writing.
To obtain a refund, the Customer or whoever must:
- give timely notice to Algilà srl.
- make available to Algilà all the documentation useful for the investigations and for the verifications on the case.
Failure to comply with this obligations may result in the total or partial loss of the right to reimbursement (Article 1915 of the Civil Law).

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